Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On Anxiety, Optimism, etc.

It is February and as we await the arrival of those admission letters from colleges, we try so very hard to be optimistic and hope for the best.

As we try to avert our attention from those future determinant piece of paper, our lives flash before our eyes.

What if I didn't get into my dream school? What if my financial aid package is not big enough? What if I disappoint my hard-working parents who spent 99.99% of their energy doing their best to secure my future and alas, I failed them and didn't get into any school?

It is normal to fret like so and be worried for our place in the coming future yet, would it be healthy to dwell on the negative? I must admit, I am anxious for the results.

High hopes and dreams, all crashing down and burning before your very eyes. Ah, the drama. The sadness of it all.

But, let's face it, one of my goals (it should be yours as well) is to be optimistic this year and for the next year and so on. If I did not accepted into any schools, would I be disappointed? Of course, I would be devastated because I know I would have let some very important people down. But, what good would it do to just dwell and mope around as if there is no future for you?

During my short tenure as a teenager, I've learned to be optimistic and rise above those challenges. You may not be able to fix the problem, but you can learn from it and move on.

*Note: Being optimistic does not mean that you should pretend that "Oh, I'm a happy, tranquil individual~ la di da..." Absolutely not! We are not living in a fictitious, illusive utopia. 

So, dear readers, even if you did not get accepted into your dream schools, you should remember that your future is in your hands (this sounds cliched but it's true!). You, and only you, hold the power to choose your path, whether it's to dwell on your disappointment (not recommended) or move on (strongly recommended).

As this post comes to a end, I would like to reveal that I am an ardent arctophile.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan. 03 Quadrantid Meteor Shower

I love skywatching. The minute I saw that we were going to have a meteor shower, I was so excited. I planned to wake up at 2 a.m. but ended up waking up an hour later. I was hoping to see at least one meteor. However, since I live in the city, I saw none. Thankfully, NASA has livestream videos. It's not the same as lying on the grass and looking up at the sky yourself but it was nice, too.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Auld Lang Syne, Times Gone By

It is 2012 already and 5 months until graduation. I wish that I didn't have to attend this bittersweet gathering because I'm afraid of what's ahead, honestly. You know that saying,

In fairy-tales, there are happy endings.
But in life, every ending is a new beginning.

2012. Year in, year out I feel the same no matter what. My resolution's always the same: to have the strength to conquer/overcome whatever trouble the new year brings and to remain optimistic.

Optimism has been a large contributor to my sanity. Therefore, I never want to lose hope. 

I was watching Soul Surfer the other day and I have to say, the film was quite inspiring. After the movie, I did some research on Bethany Hamilton and I'm just so proud of her for never giving up and losing hope. 

I'm proud that she persisted in doing what she loved most despite the challenges. 

I'm proud that she was able to remain optimistic after the shark incident.  

My 2012 Resolution:
1. Be Optimistic
2. Never Lose Hope
3. Get a 2100 on the SAT
4. Get into a good school.
5. Be Grateful.